Outplacement & Transition Services

Letting go of a valued employee is never easy, but maintaining a positive relationship can be. With Perspectives outplacement and career transition services, we help employees prepare for the next step in their professional lives while making the transition easier.

Career transition coaching works individually with the employees in the following areas:

  • Acceptance of the transition and commitment to securing new employment
  • Review of work history and workplace skills
  • Assessments to assist in career planning and identifying suitable job matches
  • Goal setting to define and develop career objectives
  • Development of a detailed resume and cover letter that best highlights the employee's work history and skills. Plus, guidance on how to use both documents to enhance the job search
  • Review skills employers look for and questions that should be anticipated in an interview
  • Role play for interview practice with specific questions used based on client objectives
  • Self-marketing and networking strategies to organize and utilize contacts, friends, and associates for job leads and introductions
  • Recommendation to specific currently available resources (i.e. EAP) to assist with the transition process
  • Establishing a system for accountability to secure employment

Resume and Interview Essentials Workshop

When multiple employees are being let go, our clients find it most efficient to have all who are being impacted participate in a group workshop before offering the above-outlined one-on-one coaching services.

The group workshop typically covers the following:

  • Managing the emotional impact of the transitional process
  • Best practices of resume writing
  • Drafting a cover letter that gets noticed
  • Interviewing tips and practice
  • Development of a transition strategy


Contact us if you are interested in more information about outplacement and transition services.